Galactic Civilizations Wiki


The Minimap is in the bottom right corner of the screen. It has a number of filters, some of which can be on at all times whereas others can only be on if others are off. Clicking on the minimap will jump the main screen to that location. Default zoom is at 100%. By clicking the +/- buttons at the bottom left, you can zoom in and out to 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500%. When zoomed in, the minimap will jump around to center on where the main screen is settled.

Objects Filters[]

  • None: If none are selected, the only dots on the minimap will be mining resources.
  • Ships: Ships show up as the color of the civilization that owns it.
  • Stars: Stars show up as large, white dots
  • Planets: Planets show up as smaller white dots
  • Anomalies: Anomalies show up as small grey dots.
  • Rally Points: Rally points show up as

Territory Filters[]

  • None: If none are selected, explored space will be black and unexplored grey
  • Control: Each parsec is shown in the color of the civilization that has the most influence over it.
  • Population: Planets have discs placed on them in the color of the civilization that owns it. The diameter of the circle is larger for planets with higher population.
  • Industry: Planets have discs placed on them in the color of the civilization that owns it. The diameter of the circle is larger for planets with higher production.

Only one Territory filter may be active.

Ship Filters[]

  • Autopilot: Ship paths are drawn as bright white lines connecting the current location and destination.
  • Range: The selected ship's range is shown by slightly desaturating the underlying map color.