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Galactic Civilizations Wiki

There are eight political parties in Galactic Civilizations II:

The Federalists[]


The Federalists believe that difficulties may be overcome by improving internal efficiency. They think that optimizing the internal structure of the government will prove to be most rewarding.

Equivalent racial bonus points: 3

The Industrialists[]


The Industrialists believe in the value of production. They claim that a more productive society is a more successful society, and to prosper a race has to put all available resources into production.

Equivalent racial bonus points: 4

The Mercantile[]


The Mercantile Party prefers trading as an appropriate method to go forward. They believe that everything comes down to money, and that the race that has the most credits will ultimately dominate the others. They believe in free trade between races and their attitude toward increased trading helps their race's espionage efforts; since with all that trade activity, they will gain insight into the mechanics of other races.

Equivalent racial bonus points: 4.33 (3 for the trade bonus, roughly 1.33 for the espionage bonus)

The Pacifists[]


The Pacifists believe in the value of peace and mutual understanding. When they look at alien races, they don't see them as being a lot different than their own race, and believe that all the races can get along well without needing war or bloodshed. Instead of a powerful military, they focus on social production and they try to influence other civilizations. Wouldn't the universe unite under one race through peaceful means?

Equivalent racial bonus points: 5 (roughly)

The bonuses for this party have decreased. Confirmed in Dread Lords 1.5 and Dark Avatar version 1.80g, the new bonuses are:

Equivalent racial bonus points: 4 (roughly)

The Populists[]


The Populists are the people, and work for the people. They are the ultimate motivators. Citizens of a race need morale to be more productive, to fight better, to be better overall. If they can be convinced that they are good at what they do, then a significant advantage can be gained. Their populist methods also work on other races. They gain a significant diplomacy advantage, since they try to please everyone.

Equivalent racial bonus points: 7

The bonuses for this party have decreased. Confirmed in Dread Lords 1.5 and Dark Avatar version 1.80g, the new bonuses are:

Equivalent racial bonus points: 3

The Technologists[]


The Technologists are believers in science. For them, a race can only achieve the ultimate power through scientific knowledge. If a race does enough technology research on any subject, that race can gain a significant advantage on that subject be it trade, diplomacy, military or another subject. They also predict that if enough research can be made, their race will transcend to a different life form beyond any other race and achieve universal domination.

Equivalent racial bonus points: 5

The Universalists[]

The Universalists try to do everything at once. They try to incorporate something from each of the parties, and try to minimize risk to any weaknesses through diversification.

Equivalent racial bonus points: 4 roughly

The War Party[]


The War Party believes in one thing and one thing only: The alien races are inferior. That is why they believe their own race will ultimately unite the galaxy. In doing this there is one effective way which is the power of might. With unparalleled military, the power needed to dominate the alien races will eventually come.

Equivalent racial bonus points: 2.5 (roughly)

  • In 1.4X, the bonuses changed to:
    • 10% attack
    • 10% defense
    • 15 soldiering

Equivalent racial bonus points: 2.5 (roughly)

  • In Dread Lords 1.5 and Dark Avatar 1.80g:
    • 10% Weapons
    • 10% Defense
    • 15 Soldiering

Equivalent racial bonus points: 3.5 (roughly)

You can choose one of these parties with a major race or a custom race you selected.
