Galactic Civilizations Wiki

Special resources are favorable conditions that may be found on certain tiles on a planet. Building a planetary improvement on a special resource will see that improvement receive a bonus based on the type of resource it is. Note that the bonus increases the capacity of the improvement, not necessarily its output. For example, a manufacturing improvement built on Rare Elements (+300% industry) will also require +300% BCs to be spent. So you should think of these bonuses as "buy one improvment, get 1 (or 3 or 7) free".

DistrictBonus Artifacts

Artifacts: +100% Research

DistrictBonus FertileSoil

Fertile Soil: +100% Food

DistrictBonus MineralDeposits

Mineral Deposit : +100% Industry

DistrictBonus MysticSpring

Mystic Spring: +100% Approval

DistrictBonus Ruins

Ruins: +100% Influence

DistrictBonus PrecursorArtifacts

Precursor Artifact: +300% Research

DistrictBonus SplendidSoil

Splendid Soil: +300% Food

DistrictBonus RareElements

Rare Elements: +300% Industry

DistrictBonus PrecursorLibrary

Precursor Library: +700% Research

DistrictBonus PrecursorMine

Precursor Mine: +700% Industry


Edited by Fairchild

  • Previous Note Maybe False!
  • Once i have builded Political Capital on the tile giving 100% Approval bonus, the result was doubled morale bonus.
  • It was easy to check so i'm specially checked this, and found no mistake.
  • Also next time when it was influency tile bonus, at planet screen 'Summary' tab show influency 50%

(Political Capital 25%*2) May be the bonus applies to SuperProjects?

  • Please someone check this fact on your side, specially if you have different game version.

My version : DA - Gold Edition 1.8 Very easy to check - find tile with morale bonus, make taxes really high :-) 50-70% Make QuickSave then build P.Capital on ordinary tile.Check 'Approval' value, load saved game, build on bonus tile and check value again. Quickest way to build P.C. - just buy it (it's just a test, so why not?)

TA - Gold Edition (1.8): Special resources do apply to Super Projects and Galactic Achievements. The effect is most seen with the Hyperion Matrix: if built on a Splendid Soil (+300%) tile, food production becomes (if civ capital) 16 + (Hyperion Matrix base food production) 8 + (food tile bonus multiplier) 3*8 = 48 Mtons/wk, while all other bonuses (research, industry, whatnot) remain the same. The same goes if it were built on a different resource tile- only the corresponding bonus will be amplified. (One previous editor writes that the Political Capital gives an Approval bonus- this PI actually gives a base of 50% Influence, which when doubled via Ruins is, of course, 100%.) I have no idea if Trade Goods are or can be affected; I have not seen any effect on them so far. [Edit added 01-31-2010, 2:05 AM, no don't ask me why I'm awake.]
